  • Training

  • MM`s favorite is cross country- and trail riding; its wide and economic gait makes long distances easy to go.

    MM`s Iberian origin makes it easy to do gymnastics in the arena and it is the basis for a long term use as a healthy, contented horse. Gymnastic exercises are part of animal protection; horses are not born as carriers by nature. Simple exercises such as riding transitions and lateral movements (shoulder-in) support easy riding and contribute to increased release and a clear beat of the Marcha.


  • Dagmar Heller – All about healthy riding

    Dagmar Heller has been training horses since her youth, with a special focus on the starting of riding horses. The education consists of basic ground work, desensitization, double lunge and driving from the ground before the horse gets accustomed to carrying a rider. The work with signals and soft impulses is at the centre of the horse’s education, resulting in sensitivity and willingness to work for and with the rider...

  • Ute Lehmann

    Teaching in riding and ground work - combined with horseback riding at the beach!

  • Dieter Mader - dressage with gaited horses

    Dieter Mader, known by several show appearances at trade shows, gala events and championships, is devoted to the classical- Iberian riding style. He didn`t start his career with it, but it was the result of a development process that made him try different riding types until he met Marc de Broissia. He became his student for many years and graduated finally in classical dressage...

  • Astrid Oberniedermayr - Ausbildung für Reiter & Pferd

    Das Motto „Verlange wenig, wiederhole oft, lobe viel!“ wurde zu einem ihrer Grundsätze bei der Arbeit mit Pferden. Die Rasse Mangalarga Marchadores mit ihren unterschiedlichen Gangvarianten, ihrer Sensibilität und Intelligenz kombiniert mit klassischer Dressur wurde zu ihrer Passion. Viel Unterricht, viele Kurse bei namhaften Trainern und konsequente Weiterbildung brachten sie in die Lage, heute ihr Wissen an Reiter und Pferd bei der Ausbildung weitergeben zu können.

    Ihre Passion wurde in der Folge zum Beruf.

  • Kaja Stührenberg

    Training course of horses of all breeds, including regular Mangalarga Marchador, experiences with Marcha, Marcha Batida and Picada for over 15 years. Coach B FN Iceland horses, gaited horse trainer A FN.

    Author: "Tölt - verstehen und besser reiten“´Kosmos Verlag
    2011 "Gymnastizierung von Gangpferden" Cadmos Verlag 2007 (with Andrea Janisch)

    Kaja Stührenberg
    Lindenallee 7
    21376 Putensen (Lüneburger Heide)